Limited Orthodontics and Tooth Movements

Orthodontic work is ideal for patients who are unhappy with their smiles and are looking for a complete change to their appearance. At Bright Star Sapphire Dental, we offer a wide range of orthodontic options that are ideal for children, teens and adults alike. By coming in for a thorough consultation, we can help to determine which option is best suited to you. One of our most popular orthodontic options includes limited orthodontics and tooth movements.

What is Limited Orthodontics and Tooth Movements?
Limited orthodontics and tooth movements refers to treatment that is done quickly, typically in six to twelve months. This offers patients a fast and easy approach to their orthodontic care without the need to wear braces for years before results are achieved. The treatment involves wearing a series of clear tray aligners that will be changed each month. The trays are custom created for you and go according to a larger orthodontic plan that is personalized to your smile.

Who is a Good Candidate for Limited Orthodontics?
Limited orthodontics and tooth movements isn’t a viable option for every patient. If you need more extensive work done, other appliances and treatments may be needed. The best way to tell if you’re a good candidate for this option is to come in for an exam and consultation. Some of the reasons a patient may choose this treatment when compared to others include:

  • You’re looking to straighten and perfect your smile within a matter of months rather than years
  • You want to utilize clear braces during your orthodontic treatment
  • You need orthodontic treatment that is convenient and only requires monthly appointments

If you’re interested in limited orthodontics, contact us today!